
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Smart technology and health monitoring

 By: Tyra Redmond

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From wearable devices to sleep trackers, data-driven technology is advancing and there’s more to explore. 
Smart technology combined with AI algorithms is increasingly popular for recording health patterns with personalized features that monitor well-being. 
Professor Jasleen Kaur is a computer scientist and engineer who studies health informatics at Waterloo University. Kaur is also the developer manager for the  Ubiquitous Health Technology Lab. The lab relies on subjective questionnaires and variable devices for sleep monitoring, behavioral patterns, and physical activity. Their recent testing has shown motion sensing data to be the most accurate in sleep quality metrics that generate cues of sleep disturbance, durations, and sleep quality. 
“Starting with the collection of data we begin with a pilot study, then recruit 10-15 participants and spend months collecting information based on individual activity, from that evaluation we do an analysis,” Kaur said. 
Kaur uses smart thermostats as a data source for evaluating sleep quality and health monitoring.  She aims to find sleep improvement strategies for sleep technologists and healthcare policymakers.
She believes wearable technology is effective in tracking the accuracy of sleep and health with a minor setback.  
“The main limitation is the batteries in variable devices,” Kaur said. “When the smartwatch, phone, or ring dies, that data cannot be recorded, energy efficiency is crucial.” 
Professor. Kaur dedicates the first few months of a new study to selecting efficient technology to support viable findings. 
“Majority of engineers' research is related to the embedded process,” Kaur said. “But sensory analysis research is most accurate when paired with existing technology. When we conduct studies  we create predictions based on individual physical activity impacting sleep.” 
Biomedical Sensory Monitoring 

Pulkit Grover is a Biomedical Engineer at Carnegie Mellon University. He depends on information theory to assess bias in existing biomedical systems, including EEG to design neural sensing and stimulation interfaces.
Grover uses AI to design stimulation parameters for neurostimulation, e.g. for cell-type specific stimulation.
“I am not directly working on energy efficiency at this point, but overall, this would be about designing better algorithms that do not require high power and integrating the hardware with power,” Grover said. 
Therefore, he finds wireless, wearable neurostimulation devices very exciting.
For conducting research, Grover does animal and phantom experiments to ensure systems are reliable for unique testing.
Thomas Murphy is a professor at Georgia Southern’s Armstrong campus. Unlike Grover, he designs sensor circuits and digital filters of health data for the Biodynamics and Human Performance Center.
Most of Murphy’s work stems from noninvasive techniques involved with human subjects. However, since COVID-19 the lab has lost its ability to have physical subjects.
Understanding innovative advancements is essential for learning sensors and their limitations. 
“Luckily, there's a standard procedure for designing technology and most of it isn't changing that rapidly in the market right now. If anything, it's improving rather than differentiating: such as camera sensors and revolution,” Murphy said. “In today's technology, we have more computing power that is  faster with sophisticated analysis.”
Even though research indicates smart devices offer a reasonable degree of accuracy, they do not substitute the standards of a clinical setting or a sleep laboratory.
“Anything where you’re trying to make a judgement based on data requires some kind of algorithm for your program or application to come from,” Murphy said.  “They play a large role from the designers' standpoint, whoever creates the app on wearable devices develops a claim based on their sensor measurements.” 
Murphy believes the' fit' is the biggest inaccuracy of wearable devices when tracking health.  He made an analogy to the reliability of ECG readings on skin that needs to be properly prepped with shaving or gel application.
“This has always been an issue when tracking any biomedical sensors doing surface measurements,” Murphy said. 
Even more, Apple and Fitbit products mention the proper fit of their device is very important to receive precise information.

“Sensors have an inherent limitation on what they can detect. If it’s a poor fit, that contributes to error,” Murphy said.