
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Covid-19 Quarantining


By: Ariana Walker

 When looking back over the last years life became very different from the normal for a least two years.Covid-19 became a disease that nobody knew what was happening  but knew it was causing many people to become very sick.

The world went into lockdown for about 4-6 months unless people were frontline workers such as doctor or grocery store employee. Everbody were told to wear a mask to protect themselves from catching the disease and try to wear it all day. And it was best to buy make that people are able to through away.

Covid-19 stands for Coronvirus Disease which is an infectious dieased caused by the sars-cov-2 virus. Most people that are affect by the disease will experince a lot of pain in there upper respiratory but, can recover at home by themselves without having to go to the doctor. But if it becomes serious people should seek medical attention. If people already have medical conditions it can become very serious at any age.

When it comes to having symptoms for it its like having a common cold thats why when most people get it they don’t even realize that they have caught it. The virus is able to spread from an infected person mouth or nose in very small particle from anything such as cough,sneeze,or speak.

When it comes to getting tested for covid-19 the testing was free because it was so many people getting tested. Most counties had a testing spot that was set up for a couple months where you were able to get tested. People where able to get tested without getting out of there car just riding through.Which they will swab peoples nose or mouth than collect the sample which people would get there results right then or 3-7 days after. Now people are able to test there own selfs at home with buying the kit out of the store.

When you go back and look at the number of people that caught covid in the state of georgia overall it looks unreal for it to just be a disease that has jst come out. Today there have been over 2 million cases that have been confirmed over the course of 2 years. And the confirmed deaths have been less than forty thousand. And till this day some so many people still are getting the disease.

After catching covid people are instructed to a thing that is called quarantin until they get there result back. “Quarantine is considered as an effective solution in the early stages of an epidemic. In the case of the coronavirus epidemic, quarantine was also recommended and implemented as a significant guideline to prevent the disease.”(pouya,2023).Quaratine you should stay in separate room from other people in your family if it is possible. A lot of people don’t relalize that there is a difference between quarantine and isolation. Isolation is when you stay home for five or more days. But if your symptoms begin to go away after the time frame people are able to leave the house.

“I think that you should isolate yourself if you have covid until you get a negative covid test back because you might not have symptoms but you could still have covid,”said Jamie turner a student at georgia southern.

But now it has changed for the days you will have to isolate yourself.You no longer have to isolate for five days. CDC issued a new 25-page guidance for COVID and other respiratory viruses, including flu and RSV.”( Fryhofer,2024)Which means that people are still able to go to work even if they got covid.But still try to wear a mask and physically distance yourself for the five days.Also, be fever-free for about 24 hours without taking fewer medications.

“It is fine not to quarantine anymore as most people are immune/vaccinated to the virus now but   if the person is having symptoms they can stay isolated for a few days since they are  symptom-free and not contagious anymore,”said Sara Bakhtiar physician Assisiant.

The covid vaccine was first approved in August of 2021 the main two were Pfizer and Modrena.

Most people felt like the vaccine was rushed and they didn’t take there time trying to make it. 

“as the first FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine, the public can be very confident that this vaccine meets the high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality the FDA requires of an approved product”.(FDA,2021)

Most people did not want to take the vaccine because they felt like the government was puting something in there body. But most people began to take it because they wanted to get back to there normal lives. And if people didn’t have it they could not go certain places.

Even though I receive the vaccine I still feel like if I would every get covid again I would quartanie until getting a negative covid test said,Turner.

Everybody will always have there own opinion on how they feel about not having to quarantine anymore than 24 hours . But most of the population has been vaccinated which is about 81% if they still  feel unsafe they can always continue to wear a mask.