
Friday, February 23, 2024

How do Baseball Pitchers Throw the Ball so Darn Fast?

 I think that we have all wondered to ourselves while sitting at a baseball game, how in the world can those pitchers though these 75, and 80 mile per hour pitches, and not be tired after the first few?

Well, the answer lies within what is called the arch of the arm. The arch is the way in which the arm is positioned in the wing stance. This would include the way that the arm is positioned in degrees to how fast it is thrown.


According to pitching coach A.J. Batisto, it seems that there are many different factors when it comes to pitching. The main factor though seems to be the arch of the pitch. It seems that the degree that you swing the ball the faster it is going to fly. 

So if you were to have a tighter pull back and swing of the arm, it would seem that there is a significant difference to that, than to someone that is just throwing a ball loosely. 

When the elbow is at 90 degrees right before the throw, not only does this help to make the ball go closer to the strike zone, but it also makes a difference as to how fast it goes.

If you want to test it out, you can go to your own backyard. The average person might throw a baseball at the speed of about 45 miles per hour, but if you learn these tricks, it would help you get up to maybe 55, and 60 miles per hour for the average person.

Coach Batisto also added that it is also a ‘gift that is God given’ some people have it and some people do not. Some people can walk out onto the field and be natural at it, and others it might take time, and coaching. 

Some people might also have the ability to be that good, but it would take time, and they would need to learn the skill, and others do not have that ability to throw a ball at all. But dealing in absolutes should be discouraged.

Justin Roberts, otherwise known as ‘J-Rob’ is a pitching analyst for the baseball team at Georgia Southern, he adds that along with working out, there should also be ample rest time for the pitchers to rest their arms. 

If any particular pitcher has a higher than average pitch count, or they are just coming off of an injury, they will put in these guys for less time than someone else, because they simply need more rest. This is why typically you see the team go through an average of about five to ten pitchers a game. 

Another reason why they would not put their best guy for a long period of time in a mid-week game is because these games do not matter as much in the long run, and they are mostly just used as preparation days for the weekend tournament games.

I spoke with a former Georgia Southern pitcher Jeremy Gay, who told me that it is all about these six things.

1.Strength training: the training that is done in the weight room. But you also have to be lifting the heavy weight fast as well.

2.Mobility: Making sure that you can perform movements with the proper range of motion.

3.Flexibility: This is making sure that you aren’t going to injure yourself while pitching caused by muscle imbalances and overuse. 

4.Mechanics: This means actually putting these things to task, having the right form, and making sure that you are giving yourself the best opportunity to utilize all the training you have done. 

5.Sleep : This is making sure that you are getting the proper amount of rest during the season.

6.Nutrition: This is giving your body the proper fuel each day to be able to perform at your highest potential. 

If you implement these things, you are able to be at your maximum pitching opportunities.