
Friday, February 2, 2024

CRISPR Gene Therapy: How does it work?

by Kamryn Gibson

Graph by Kamryn Gibson

CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) gene therapy stands at the forefront of cutting-edge medical research, poised to revolutionize the treatment of genetic disorders and transform the landscape of personalized medicine. This groundbreaking technology allows scientists to precisely edit the DNA within living organisms, offering unprecedented opportunities for therapeutic interventions. In this paper, we will explore the principles of CRISPR gene therapy, its potential applications, ethical considerations, and the transformative impact it has on the future of medicine.

At its core, CRISPR gene therapy relies on a natural defense mechanism found in bacteria. Bacteria use CRISPR-derived RNA and various Cas proteins, including Cas9, to fend off attacks by viruses and other foreign bodies. According to the published research in the Journal of Biological Chemistry done by Ailong Ke, "Coupled with a new integration event, loss of repeats elsewhere has been frequently observed, suggesting the occurrence of spontaneous recombination. Two of the most conserved core cas genes, cas1 and cas2, have been implicated in the new spacer acquisition process." Scientists have harnessed this mechanism to create a versatile tool that enables targeted modification of genes within the DNA of organisms, including humans.

The process begins with the design of a guide RNA (gRNA) that precisely matches the target gene sequence. This gRNA, combined with the Cas9 protein, forms a complex that can recognize and bind to the specific DNA sequence. Research done by Rebecca Shapiro in Nature Microbiology stated, "We developed a CRISPR–Cas9-based 'gene drive array' platform to facilitate efficient genetic analysis in C. albicans. In our system, a modified DNA donor molecule acts as a selfish genetic element, replaces the targeted site, and propagates to replace additional wild-type loci."  Once bound, the Cas9 protein acts as a pair of "molecular scissors," cutting the DNA at the desired location.

The cell's natural repair machinery then kicks in, either introducing desired genetic modifications or causing the gene to be disrupted, effectively "knocking out" its function. The potential applications of CRISPR gene therapy are vast and diverse, spanning from correcting genetic disorders to treating various diseases at the molecular level. One of the most promising aspects is its ability to address monogenic diseases, caused by a single mutated gene. Disorders such as sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, and muscular dystrophy, which have long posed significant challenges to conventional treatments, are now within the sights of CRISPR gene therapy.

Moreover, CRISPR technology has shown promise in cancer treatment by targeting specific oncogenes or modifying immune cells to enhance their ability to fight cancer. The potential to eradicate or modify disease-causing genes presents a paradigm shift in the approach to treating various medical conditions. While the potential benefits of CRISPR gene therapy are profound, ethical considerations loom large. Nobel Peace Prize winner and Research Jennifer Doudna had this to say, "This an exciting new frontier for CRISPR. The precision tools we're developing will help us understand how microbiomes work at the fundamental level." The ability to edit the human germline raises questions about the long-term consequences and the potential for unintended genetic consequences that may be passed down to future generations.

The ethical debate also extends to concerns about the creation of "designer babies" and the potential misuse of gene editing technology for non-therapeutic purposes. CRISPR gene therapy represents a monumental leap forward in the field of medicine, offering unprecedented opportunities to treat and potentially cure genetic disorders. The ability to precisely edit DNA brings hope to millions of individuals facing previously incurable conditions. However, as with any revolutionary technology, the ethical implications must be carefully considered to ensure that CRISPR gene therapy is used responsibly and for the greater benefit of humanity. As research progresses, the full potential and limitations of CRISPR gene therapy will become clearer, guiding its integration into mainstream medical practice.