
Thursday, March 2, 2023

ChatGPT: How AI Is Closer Than You Think

The year is 2004 and I, Robot just landed in theaters. "Wow, is this what the future will really be like," is a question I bet most people had. 

While the answer isn't yes (yet), we are getting closer to to it. 

ChatGPT is the newest technological advancement out of California and has already made an impact. 

The AI chatbot was developed by OpenAI, a startup company based in San Francisco. OpenAI was founded in 2015 while the beginnings of ChatGPT began in 2018.

Often compared to the likes of different search engines such as Google or Bing, ChatGPT is slightly different from the others. 

When using the AI, it responds more conversationally, understanding what users intend to get across in their messages while also giving human like answers. 

"It feels more interactive," Professor Wang said. "With Google I don't get that feeling." He had used the program a few times before. 

There have been 3 different versions of GPT (Generative Pre-Train) since 2018. GPT-3 having been the latest one coming out in 2020. 

While they've had a few years to work on the model, they are still relatively new to the field. Although this is the case, they are the largest language model ever created.

However, they are still hammering out some kinks in the model. Users have reportedly undergone some errors while interacting with the AI. Some have experienced historical inaccuracies, biases and more. 

ChatGPT is also experiencing some limitations in the amount of information it holds. The database is limited, only going up to 2021. 

In the classroom it may also provide some hiccups for teachers as well. 

Dr. Simhan believes that it actually won't change much just yet. 

"Cheating has been around for a while," the professor said. "I gave it one of my problems to solve and it couldn't do it, so I'm not too worried."

ChatGPT is capable of writing things like papers, as students on TikTok have shown. 

The program is still free to the public as developers continue to work out the kinks.