
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Mind of an Octopus

by Kamryn Gibson

Multimedia by Kamryn Gibson

In the vast and mysterious depths of the ocean, one creature stands out for its extraordinary intelligence and adaptability: the octopus. With its remarkable cognitive abilities and complex behaviors, the octopus has long captivated scientists and enthusiasts alike.

Now, researchers are delving deeper into the inner workings of the octopus brain, uncovering fascinating insights into its unique neural architecture and evolutionary adaptations.

Recent studies, such as the octopus genome study, have shed light on the sophisticated organization of the octopus brain, revealing a structure that differs significantly from that of vertebrates, including humans. At the core of the octopus nervous system lies a highly developed central brain, composed of large lobes and intricate neural circuits.

 “A whole genome opens up huge levels of information you didn't have before,” says Clifton Ragsdale, a neurobiologist at the University of Chicago, who co-authored the octopus genome study in Nature.

Both human and octopus brains contain central processing areas dedicated to decision-making and bringing together and integrating information from numerous sources, like our sensory organs.

Our brains are two-lobed and bilaterally symmetrical, and they’re located in our heads. But for all these similarities, our nervous systems diverge in unexpected ways. The most striking one might have to do with octopuses’ most notable feature: their arms.

Anatomy confirms what behavior reveals: Octopuses and cuttlefish have larger brains, relative to body weight than most fish and reptiles, larger on average than any animals save birds and mammals.

“Although an octopus brain differs from a typical vertebrate's brain it wraps around the esophagus instead of resting in a cranium,” stated Ron O’Dor of Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia. 

It also shares key features such as folded lobes, a hallmark of complexity, and distinct visual and tactile memory centers. It even generates similar electrical patterns.

Unlike the centralized brain of vertebrates, the octopus brain is distributed throughout its body, with two-thirds of its neurons located in its eight arms. Overall, this spread-out network of neurons and autonomous parts makes the octopus brain “less of a control system than our brain,” says Jennifer Mather, professor of psychology at the University of Lethbridge and a scientific advisor for My Octopus Teacher, but she notes that humans have neurons throughout our bodies as well, including long nerve cells running along our limbs to our extremities, and in our guts. 

Octopuses just take that concept to the extreme. However, says Mather, the popular “fun fact” that octopuses have a brain in each of their arms is untrue. One of the most striking features of the octopus brain is its exceptional flexibility and plasticity.

Unlike most other animals, the octopus can regenerate and reorganize its neural connections, allowing it to learn and adapt rapidly to changing environments. This remarkable ability enables the octopus to solve complex problems, exhibit innovative behaviors, and even demonstrate forms of tool use.

Scientists are still discovering new mechanisms that explain exactly how octopuses are capable of such cognitive sophistication; one recent study found that octopus brains contain an unusually high amount of non-coding microRNA molecules used in regulating genes and building proteins.

Researchers have also uncovered the role of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in shaping the octopus brain's function. Serotonin, in particular, plays a crucial role in regulating various behaviors, including learning, memory, and social interactions.

By manipulating serotonin levels, scientists have been able to observe profound effects on the octopus's behavior, highlighting the intricate interplay between neurochemistry and cognition.

Furthermore, studies have revealed the octopus brain's remarkable sensory capabilities, which far exceed those of many other invertebrates. Equipped with a diverse array of sensory organs, including sophisticated eyes similar to those of vertebrates, the octopus can perceive and process a wide range of visual stimuli.

Its keen sense of touch, mediated by specialized suckers lining its arms, allows it to explore and manipulate objects with remarkable dexterity and precision.

In addition to its sensory prowess, the octopus exhibits a complex repertoire of behaviors that reflect its advanced cognitive abilities. From intricate hunting strategies to intricate camouflage techniques, the octopus employs a diverse array of tactics to survive and thrive in its environment.

Recent research has highlighted the role of the octopus brain in orchestrating these behaviors, revealing the underlying neural mechanisms that govern its remarkable adaptability and ingenuity.

Moreover, studies of the octopus brain have provided valuable insights into the evolution of intelligence and consciousness. Despite its radically different neural architecture, the octopus displays many behaviors suggestive of higher cognitive functions, such as problem-solving, memory formation, and even playfulness.

By comparing the octopus brain to those of other intelligent animals, such as birds and mammals, researchers hope to unravel the fundamental principles underlying the emergence of intelligence in the animal kingdom.

Looking ahead, scientists are eager to further explore the mysteries of the octopus brain and uncover its full potential. Advances in neuroimaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electrophysiology, promise to provide unprecedented insights into the inner workings of the octopus nervous system.

By combining these cutting-edge tools with behavioral experiments and computational modeling, researchers aim to unravel the intricate neural networks that underlie the octopus's remarkable cognitive abilities.

In conclusion, the octopus brain stands as a testament to the incredible diversity and complexity of life on Earth. With its highly evolved neural architecture, exceptional plasticity, and advanced cognitive abilities, the octopus challenges our understanding of intelligence and consciousness.

By unraveling the secrets of the octopus brain, scientists are not only gaining insights into one of nature's most enigmatic creatures but also shedding light on the broader mysteries of the mind.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Rising THC Levels in Marajuana

 By: Vanessa Countryman

In the land of cannabis, is a plant called marijuana. People have been using it for centuries, but something started to change over time.

“Average THC concentration has increased substantially during recent decades due to several factors such as genetic breeding, and indoor growing conditions, and as THC is the main psychoactive compound found in cannabis, its effects have increased substantially,” said Shauli Lev-Ran, Co-founder and Academic Director of Israel Center on Addiction. “Furthermore, in several places the age of onset of cannabis use has decreased, further adding insult to the adolescent brain when exposed to such high levels of THC. This is particularly right for more regular users of cannabis during adolescents.”

  As marijuana became more potent, its effects became more intense. According to the article, “The Problem with the Current High Potency THC Marijuana from the Perspective of an Addiction Psychiatrist”, by The Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association, A lot of people who voted for marijuana legalization didn't realize that today's marijuana is much stronger than what was around in the past. The THC, which is the addictive part, has increased a lot. There are receptors in our brain that THC fits into, but they're not meant for us to take in THC. The problem is that the marijuana available now has much higher THC levels compared to before. In dispensaries, strains with THC content ranging from 17-28% are common.

“I don’t smoke anymore because I have a job that drug tests me but I used to smoke everyday for years,” said Georgia Southern Grad Student Brooklynn Tegeler. “I truly could not eat or sleep without doing it either.”

There was a study found on called “Acute and residual effects of marijuana: Profiles of plasma THC levels, physiological, subjective, and performance measures.” In this study, there were three experienced marijuana smokers who smoked either 0, 1, or 2 marijuana cigarettes with 2.57% THC. They did this on two different days. 

They measured things like heart rate, subjective feelings, and performance. They found that right after smoking, heart rate increased, people felt the effects of the drug, and performance was slightly worse on some tasks. The effects lasted up to 24 hours, but were less noticeable on the second day. So, it seems like marijuana can affect performance for a while after smoking.

So, it's clear that the amount of THC in marijuana has risen over time, and it can have a significant impact on our bodies and minds. It's important for people to be aware of these changes and make informed choices.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The April 8th Eclipse

The April 8th eclipse started in Texas, and made its way through the midwest, in States including Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine, making its way up into Canada. Some even were able to see an eclipse in places like Ireland, and Northern Ireland. Most others in Europe did not get the chance to see the eclipse however.

There is another solar eclipse that is expected to make it’s way through the continental United States. This however is not the first in a while. 

As many well know, unless you have been living under a rock, there was an eclipse where the path of totality went through South Carolina.

The last time a solar eclipse came through North America was not that long ago in 2017. We truly live in a time that is very special. 

Scientists have said in fact that we may not see solar eclipses like this in the future. This means that we are on Earth at the opportune time to see a total eclipse.

Jorge Villa Vergas is a professor of astronomy at Georgia Southern University who traveled to watch the total eclipse. Vergas was excited to go to the eclipse.

Jon Schroder, a spectator of the event thought that is was a cool event to see, even if he was not in the path of totality, Appling, Georgia saw about an 80 percent eclipse.

There have been several others on social media that have been talking about this event taking place. As the Weather Channel put it, many were awe-struck to see this eclipse.

The eclipse on April 8, 2024 was not like the one that occurred in 2017. Eclipse in 2017 was a total solar eclipse, but the moon in its orbit was closer to the Earth than usual, so this opened the opportunity for the suns rays, along with the light that was reflected from the stars behind the sun to seep through.

The most recent eclipse however, the sun and the moon were lined up just right to the point that the moon completely blocked out the Sun’s light, and you could see some of the stars that were behind the sun, from the light that was refracted from it.

If you were blessed enough to be in the path of the total solar eclipse at the time, it was basically like experiencing the night time, in the middle of the afternoon. A very neat experience.

The April 8th eclipse certainly was worth all the hype that led up to it.

During the eclipse the sun is blocked out by the moon, and there is a shadow that is cast on the earth. Because the moon is not as big as the sun, there are some places that did not see the eclipse, and for some it was just after sunset, so it was simply a new moon for them.

Georgia Southern University has its own planetarium on campus that features a dome room with special projectors that can project onto a dome ceiling. This presents a cool picture, and more anatomically correct image if you are looking from the Earth to the skies.

This experience is good for all ages to go to, in fact they have several events that they put on every month.

The planetarium is a very educational place to go if you want to know when the moon will again be in just the right position to cast a shadow in front of the sun, blocking out its view.

Just incase you were wondering why some did not see the solar eclipse, and some only saw a partial eclipse is because the moon is not as large as the sun, and also the Earth is larger than the moon, this means that Some people will not see an eclipse, while others, that are closer to the path of totality will see the effects of the moon blocking the view of the sun.

Patrick Vereen, a spectator from Savannah, Georgia said that he was at work during the process of the solar eclipse, he said that it got darker than normal in the afternoon, but not super dark.

Some compared this U.V. decrease to looking through a pair of sunglasses. Logan Winstrop, who is a student at Georgia Southern University said “it was like you were looking through a pair of sunglasses.” it was darker, but not super dark.

If you weren’t able to go to the last eclipse, or you simply want to know when the next one is. It will occur in 2041, and the path-of-totality will go through Tallahassee, and Orlando Florida.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Metamaterials: Revolutionizing Material Science

by Kamryn Gibson

Graph by Kamryn Gibson

Metamaterials represent a groundbreaking field of research at the intersection of physics, engineering, and materials science. These artificially engineered structures possess properties not found in naturally occurring materials, enabling a myriad of unprecedented applications.

From manipulating electromagnetic waves to controlling sound propagation, metamaterials hold the potential to revolutionize various industries, including telecommunications, healthcare, and aerospace.

 “Metamaterials are engineered composites designed to exhibit properties not found in naturally occurring materials. They are structured on a scale smaller than the wavelength of external stimuli (like electromagnetic waves) to manipulate wave propagation in ways that go beyond the materials’ chemical composition. This manipulation enables unique functionalities such as negative refractive index, cloaking, and superlensing,” said Sajjad AbdollahRamezani.

This paper delves into the fundamentals of metamaterials, their unique properties, and their diverse applications. 

The fundamentals of metamaterials are structured composites engineered to exhibit properties not typically found in natural materials. They derive their extraordinary characteristics from their precise design at the micro or nano scale, rather than from their chemical composition alone.

The structural arrangement of metamaterials enables them to interact with waves, such as electromagnetic radiation or sound waves, in ways that conventional materials cannot.

Some properties of metamaterials include, one of the most striking features of metamaterials is the negative refractive index, which allows them to bend light in unusual ways. This property has led to the development of lenses with resolutions beyond the diffraction limit, promising breakthroughs in imaging technologies.

Additionally, metamaterials can exhibit electromagnetic cloaking, rendering objects invisible to certain wavelengths of light. While still in experimental stages, cloaking technology holds promise for applications ranging from military stealth to medical imaging.

Another notable property of metamaterials is their ability to manipulate sound waves. Acoustic metamaterials can control the transmission, absorption, and reflection of sound, leading to innovations in noise cancellation, sonic insulation, and even acoustic imaging.

By controlling the propagation of sound at the microscale, these materials have the potential to revolutionize architectural design, transportation, and entertainment industries.

Telecommunications: Metamaterials have the potential to revolutionize telecommunications by enabling the development of ultra-compact and efficient antennas, leading to faster data transmission and expanded bandwidth. Additionally, metamaterial-based devices could facilitate the development of next-generation optical communication systems, enhancing internet connectivity and enabling the realization of futuristic concepts such as quantum communication.

Healthcare: In the field of healthcare, metamaterials offer exciting possibilities for medical imaging and diagnostics. Metamaterial-based lenses could revolutionize techniques such as MRI and ultrasound imaging by providing higher resolution and improved contrast. Moreover, metamaterials hold promise for targeted drug delivery systems, where precise control over electromagnetic fields could enable the selective release of therapeutic agents within the body.

Aerospace and Defense: Metamaterials have significant implications for aerospace and defense applications. By manipulating electromagnetic waves, these materials could enable the development of lightweight yet highly effective radar-absorbing coatings for stealth aircraft. Furthermore, metamaterial antennas could enhance communication and sensing capabilities in military aircraft and satellites, improving situational awareness and communication reliability.

Energy: Metamaterials also hold promise for energy-related applications. By engineering materials with tailored optical properties, researchers aim to improve the efficiency of solar cells and enhance the performance of energy harvesting devices. Additionally, metamaterials could enable the development of novel techniques for controlling the propagation of light within optical fibers, leading to more efficient data transmission in telecommunications networks.

Challenges and Future Directions: Despite their tremendous potential, metamaterials face several challenges, including scalability, manufacturing costs, and environmental concerns associated with the use of exotic materials. Additionally, the complex interactions between metamaterials and waves require sophisticated modeling and simulation techniques for optimal design.

Overcoming these challenges will require interdisciplinary collaboration and continued investment in research and development. The development and use of metamaterials face several challenges: Fabrication Complexity: Creating metamaterials with nano- to micro-scale precision is technically challenging and often requires sophisticated fabrication techniques.

AbdollahRamezani also stated, “Scalability and Cost: Scaling up production while managing costs is a significant hurdle, limiting the widespread application of metamaterials. Material Losses: Metamaterials, especially those operating at optical frequencies, can exhibit high losses, reducing their efficiency and effectiveness.”

Looking ahead, the future of metamaterials holds promise for even more groundbreaking advancements. Research efforts are focused on expanding the range of achievable properties, improving fabrication techniques, and exploring novel applications in fields such as quantum computing, robotics, and beyond.

“The next decade promises significant advancements in metamaterials, with potential impacts across various fields such as telecommunications, healthcare, energy, and defense. Innovations are likely to focus on increasing the functionality, reducing losses, and improving the scalability of metamaterials. The convergence of metamaterials with other emerging technologies, like quantum computing and artificial intelligence, could further expand their capabilities and applications,” AbdollahRamezani expressed. 

As our understanding of metamaterials deepens and technology continues to advance, the possibilities for innovation are virtually limitless.

In conclusion, metamaterials represent a paradigm shift in material science, offering unprecedented control over the interaction between waves and matter. From bending light to cloaking objects and manipulating sound, these artificially engineered structures hold the potential to revolutionize various industries, from telecommunications to healthcare and aerospace. While challenges remain, ongoing research and development efforts continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with metamaterials, paving the way for a future defined by innovation and discovery.

Is AI taking over photographer’s jobs? By: Willow Handley

 Photo taken by: Willow Handley

Artificial Intelligence is taking over the world, maybe just not as fast as we would have thought. 


According to, “Artificial Intelligence is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities”. 


Hayden Wimmer, an Information Technology Professor at Georgia Southern University explained the concept of Nero Network. He said its “where you can look at natural phenomena’s in nature and kind of mimic those on a computer.”


He compared Nero Network to teaching a human how to swim the fastest possible and that is to strap a dolphin tail on them. This is to teach them how to adapt to the animal and program their behaviors to be like them. Similar to how they train the computer to be like a humans. 


We are constantly surrounded by AI and have been for many years, we may have just not noticed. Some examples of AI in recent years would be face recognition, social media, predictive text, chatbots, and smart cars. 


The groundwork for AI began in the early 1900’s but major developments didn’t happen until the 1950’s. There have been several well-known breakthroughs throughout this time that have been stepping stones for other scientists. 


One of the most well-known examples of the ground breaks is when Arthur Samuel developed a program to play checkers independently in 1952.


A few years later Samuel created another program that was able to play chess better than the humans who made it. 


More recently, in 2016, Hanson Robotics created a humanoid named Sophia. It was deemed an official robot citizen. This robot can replicate human appearance and emotions. It also can communicate fully like a human. 


Recent developments like Sophia are ones that have scared some of the human population. This put in perspective how powerful robotics and AI can be and the future they may hold in our everyday life. 


This fuels the fears that robots might one day replace humans and human jobs. 


Wimmer said that AI technology is a big snowball effect. Chatbots became really popular and the programming was introduced into several software’s. 


Once it gets big a lot of people began to throw money into it and that’s how they hire and train more people and get more resources and equipment. 


AI in photography has been a huge development that some photographers either love or hate. 


Some of the benefits that AI can have on workflow is analyze photographs and calculate optimal exposure, correct colors, and adjust shadows according to


Adobe started implementing AI features and software to their programs in 2016. They added AI to photoshop in 2023 with Photoshop Version 25.0.


In Adobe photoshop, editors can use AI to remove things like walls, fire hydrants, or people from the background. It also allows the editor to flip through several options that AI provides to choose which one will best fit the photo.  


Wimmer explained that the program inside of photoshop has been trained on so many images and that’s how it is able to provide the editor with so many options to choose from. Wimmer said “they don’t tell you exactly how they you exactly how they do it you know, that’s their secret sauce.”


It can also extend the size of your canvas due to the advanced programing.


Although some photographers fear that AI will replace them and their creativity. 


Jaimee Griffin, a Photographer located in Middle Georgia, said “In the beginning it made me anxious! As a photographer, I was worried about AI potentially taking over my job and the thing I’m most passionate about.”


AI can take a description that the editor can insert into the program and create an extreme, highly detailed image within minutes. 


Photographers are reminded that AI is just a tool to help their workflow and productivity and there’s no way that a computer can replace the artistic eye and vision. 


Griffin said “Once I realized it could be helpful and take off my workload, I started using photoshop AI. I use it almost every season to remove frizzy hair and objects in the background that are distracting to the photo.”


Times are changing and technology is always advancing. People who work in the creative fields have to stay up on the latest technology in order to compete with the competition. 


New photographers may depend on AI to be the main tool during the editing process in the future, and they might reap the consequences of it later. 

When asked if new photographers should rely solely on AI or learn the skills for themselves Clay Malquist, a Freelance Photographer, said “personally I think both, learn the skills and fundamentals first and foremost, but AI is just another tool for creatives, it’s what you make of it.”